Join the Toddler Sleep Mini Series!
You'll receive:
A free copy of our ebook: 'Toddler Sleep & Settling'
Ten bite-sized lessons across ten days, delivered to your inbox each morning.
Scroll down to learn more about what's included.
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What's inside the mini series?
Our 10 part series from Dr Fallon & Dr Laura, will arrive in your inbox each morning. It covers:
Toddler sleep patterns
Sleep routines
Sleep environment & safety
Separation anxiety
Night wakings
Transitioning from cot to bed
Sleep challenges
Sleep habits
Sleep resources
You can read through the content in your own time or follow along with us each day.

What's inside the ebook?
Our 11 page ebook covers the three most common toddler sleep and settling difficulties and how to fix them.
Bedtime refusal
Night waking
Early rising
We help parents solve these difficulties in our sleep clinics every day. Imagine enjoying a relaxing bedtime with your toddler before putting yourself to bed and enjoying a full night of rest.

Who are the authors?
We are Dr Fallon Cook and Dr Laura Conway - PhD's, Sleep Practitioners, and Directors of Infant Sleep Australia.
- We have Postdoctoral training in sleep, psychology, and child development.
- We founded Infant Sleep Australia, and run successful paediatric sleep clinics.
- We have published cutting-edge infant sleep research in international scientific journals.
You’re in the best of hands. Sleep is our primary focus.