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Brand New Little People

Brand New Little People

Hosted by: Dr Fallon Cook & Dr Laura Conway (PhD's, Sleep Practitioners)

Welcome to the ultimate podcast for parents navigating the early stages of parenting, with a special focus on vital aspects like sleep, settling, and crying. As passionate hosts and holders of PhD’s in early child...

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Episode 87: Parental Presence at Bedtime

You might have worked really hard to build your child’s confidence falling asleep in their cot or bed at bedtime. But what happens if you still find yourself sitting in their room near their cot or bed, until they...
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Episode 86: Self-soothing behaviours

The term ‘self-soothing’ gets thrown around a lot on the internet, but what does it actually mean? In its simplest form, self-soothing refers to the behaviours humans use to calm themselves when feeling upset. For an...
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Episode 85: Strong-willed toddlers

Imagine if your toddler’s bedtime often took longer than 3 hours 😥 Imagine they refuse to sleep in their cot, will only fall asleep if breastfed, and every approach you’ve previously tried simply hasn’t ‘stuck.’...
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Episode 84: Cot Shenanigans

Has your baby or toddler suddenly started to sit or stand in their cot? Have easy bedtimes evaporated in to thin air as you struggle to get your little one to stay lying down long enough to fall asleep? 😵‍💫 If this is...
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Episode 83: Does darkness help sleep?

You’ve probably heard some advice suggesting that babies and toddlers must sleep in a dark room…. and then moments later heard the exact opposite – that all babies need to learn how to sleep in a brightly lit, noisy...
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Episode 82: Your Pep Talk

When your baby or toddler isn’t sleeping well and you’re filled with dread at the thought of facing another broken night, it can feel like you are so deep down in the trenches that you might never climb out 😥 When...
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Episode 81: Toddler Sleep During Big Life Changes

In this episode of Brand New Little People, Dr Fallon & Dr Laura (PhDs, Sleep Practitioners) discuss how you can help your toddler adjust to big life changes, with a specific focus on protecting their sleep. Do...
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Episode 80: The Perfect Nap

In our sleep clinic it’s common to hear parents say they’re worried about their baby or toddler’s naps. And we completely understand why. Everyone has a different opinion on how long naps should be and it gets tangled...
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Episode 79: Sleep & Attachment

Some parents believe bed sharing and holding their child for their naps, will create more secure attachment than if their child sleeps in a cot or bed. But actually, where your child sleeps has very little bearing on...
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Episode 78: How to stop bed sharing

Parents often tell us that there was one particularly tricky night when their baby or toddler just wouldn’t fall back asleep, and they finally caved, bringing their child in to their bed, in the hopes of getting more...
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Episode 77: From 8-10 night wakes to ZERO!

Cassie had an 8 month old who was waking multiple times each night. When she sought help from a friend she was told that bed sharing would be the best way to maximise her sleep and her baby’s sleep too. But instead of...
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Episode 76: Baby & Toddler Sleep During the Festive Season

Whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, or if you just enjoy a nice break from paid work over the New Year period, you might have questions about how to manage your baby or toddler’s sleep. With family gatherings,...
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