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Learn about the experiences of Sombelle members. 



Mother of Connie (9 months)

I have a very low tolerance for crying so when Connie refused to fall asleep unless she was latched to my breast I was terrified that I'd never be able to get her to settle in her cot. We were waking 8 or more times every night. My psychologist recommended Sombelle and that's when we turned a corner. Sombelle's approaches were surprisingly easy, actually reduced Connie's crying, and it felt respectful of Connie's unique needs. Within a week Connie was settling easily in her cot. It changed my life, and Connie's.



Mother of Sasha (6 months)

We managed to phase out rocking to sleep and cut back on night feeds. I write this to you with Sasha having fallen asleep in his cot within six minutes with some gentle shushing and a few pats. Sombelle has become such an integral part of my son’s development and he will flourish thanks to you. And just quietly, you probably saved our relationship


Geoff & Ross

Fathers of Tessa (7 months)

We recommend Sombelle to everyone. It helped us tune in to what our daughter needed from us. We loved the flexible options so we could create a sleep plan that suited the gradual pace we wanted to move at. It was easier than I expected and her sleep is fantastic. We are thrilled.

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Learn how Dr Belinda helped her 10 month old, Augie, move from feeding to sleep to happily settling in his cot.

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Prescribing Sweet Dreams: A GP Mum's Sombelle Success Story

Feb 23, 2024



Mother of Lulu (6 weeks)

Thank you Dr Fallon & Dr Laura. I had no idea how chaotic newborn life would be and felt really lost and overwhelmed in the early weeks. Since joining Sombelle things feel much more manageable. I have confidence that I know when and how to settle Lulu and I'm getting more rest now too. Sombelle is a life saver!



Father of Tristan (10 weeks)

I spent weeks holding Tristan, pacing with him in my arms while he screamed and screamed for hours. I was shattered, my husband was very low. We joined Sombelle after our GP recommended it and within days literally everything improved. Now it only takes a few minutes to settle Tristan for sleep. All new parents need Sombelle, I hate to think where we would be without Sombelle.



Mother of Lucas (8 months)

Our baby was waking 6-7 times every night. I was exhausted. Sombelle helped me understand my baby better. We followed the steps to create our sleep plan and sleep improved really quickly. Our baby is easy to settle and sleeps so well at night now. We are all happier.


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3 year old, Jack, was taking hours to fall asleep at bedtime and refused to sleep in his bed after midnight. Learn how his parents, Sarah and Daniel, turned Jack's sleep around. 

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Toddler Jack's Bedtime Battles and Night Waking. Solved.

Nov 02, 2023



Mother of Lachlan (3 months)

Settling is easy now and only takes a few minutes. I was spending hours everyday trying to settle my baby before we joined Sombelle. Once we figured out the right daily rhythm for Lachy it all came together and he's been so easy to settle ever since. He only wakes once overnight!


Dr Belinda 

GP, mum to Augie (10 months)

“I recommend Dr Fallon & Dr Laura's Sombelle programs to all my patients who are new parents. I want them to know that there are better alternatives than simply waiting it out or resorting to 'cry it out' approaches.”



Father of Paisley (2 months)

Sombelle gave us everything we needed to know, when we needed it, and in easy steps. We were in a dark place but Sombelle really changed our lives. I think it saved our marriage. After we settle the baby we have time to talk, connect and unwind. We couldn't be happier!

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Luella suddenly had to return to work, but her 8 month old, William, couldn't settle without her. Until she joined Sombelle. 

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Happy cot settling in just 3 days. Meet baby William.

May 09, 2023



Mother of Pia (2.5 years)

I was worried that Sombelle would overwhelm me with information or would only offer tough approaches (I'm a softy!). But Sombelle gave me confidence in my decision making. We chose a gradual approach to move our daughter back to her own bed and it worked perfectly. 



Mother of Trixie (3 years)

Trixie was waking up at 4am and then having a 3 hour day nap. She was also really hard to get to sleep at bedtime. We didn't really know where to start. Sombelle helped us realise we needed to start trimming down the day nap and now she sleeps 11.5 hours overnight and doesn't need a nap at all. She's a different child, way happier and more settled at kindy and she's eating better too. I'm so greatful to Sombelle and wish we had joined earlier.



Father of Liam (16 months)

He could only fall asleep on top of me when I was sleeping on the recliner in his nursery, and he would wake at 4am every morning. I was shattered. Sombelle gave us clear steps to follow that respected his separation anxiety. Now he goes to bed happily and sleeps in his toddler bed all night. I can't believe the change.

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Caitlin & Ahmed helped their toddler, Lottie, fall asleep happily in her cot and sleep all night.

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Mother of Elio (10 months)

I couldn't cosleep anymore. I felt overstimulated and touched-out but every time I tried to persist with settling Elio in his cot he would get so upset and ultimately he would end up in my bed again. I loved that with Sombelle I could sleep right beside his cot and give him lots of support to help him feel secure and loved through this big change. It took some practice but now he happily sleeps in his cot, rarely wakes at night and my mental health has improved. Highly recommend Sombelle to all parents.



Mother of Owen (23 months)

Within hours of joining we had a clear plan to follow at bedtime and Owen responded so well to it. Bedtime used to take 1.5 hours, but within a couple of nights he started falling asleep in 10 minutes in his own bed. We got our evenings back! We've had a few questions answered on the podcast which was amazing and we've dipped back in to Sombelle a couple of times to keep sleep on track during illness and travel. Dr Laura & Dr Fallon do God's work!



Mother of Harriet (2 years)

She was waking 3-4 times every night. I was exhausted. Sombelle helped me understand why she was waking and how to fix it. Once we created our sleep plan it only took a few days to see a big change in her sleep. She rarely wakes at night anymore and I feel so much better rested.

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Anita injured her back & couldnt settle Bodhi in his carrier anymore. Learn how she gently transitioned him to settling in his cot.

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Five-month-old Sam, needed constant resettling overnight and his parents were exhausted. Look how his sleep patterns changed.

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From Multiple Wakes To Sleeping All Night. Meet baby Sam.

Mar 13, 2023

Become a Sombelle member!

Select your child's age to learn more.

Babies 0-3 months


30% off! Usually $180

  • Set strong foundations for excellent sleep
  • Expert advice from Australia's trusted infant sleep clinic
  • Nurture & protect your baby's mental health and attachment
  • Less crying and easier settling
  • Sensible strategies grounded in the science of healthy development
  • Confident parenting

Babies 4-12 months


30% off! Usually $250

  • Self-guided online sleep clinic with no waitlist - you can start right now
  • Settling difficulties solved
  • Frequent night waking solved
  • Less crying at bedtime
  • Sensible strategies grounded in the science of healthy infant development
  • Confident parenting
  • Sleep problems solved

Toddlers 1-3 years


30% off! Usually $280

  • Self-guided online toddler sleep clinic with no waitlist - you can start right now
  • Bedtime battles solved
  • Frequent night waking solved
  • Happier toddlers
  • Strategies that support strong toddler mental health & development
  • Confident parenting
  • Confident toddlers