All Episodes
Episode 70: Trauma & Parenting
Welcoming your own little baby to the fold is usually a pretty exciting and thrilling moment. Whilst the majority of new parents experience a lot of joy during this time, for some, the transition to parenthood is...
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Episode 69: Extreme parent fatigue
If you’re the parent of a toddler who’s had ongoing sleep difficulties since birth, chances are you’re battling extreme, unrelenting fatigue. How can parents possibly begin to make changes to their little one’s sleep,...
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Episode 68: Sleep Associations & DST
Are sleep associations real? Data from thousands of babies, children, and adults concludes that they absolutely are. So why has there been a recent increase in anti- sleep association sentiment on social media? Sleep...
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Episode 67: Setting boundaries with family
Many new parents have to navigate the influx of unwanted advice offered by extended family members. This can be amplified when extended family lives with you or comes to stay for an extended period.
Like our anonymous...
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Episode 66: There’s no shame in cot settling
There are plenty of people who will try to convince you that the only right way to settle your baby for sleep, is their way. They often describe cot settling as being harmful for babies, and when they try to use...
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Episode 65: Persist or pull the plug?
When you try a new approach for settling your baby, it’s important to persist for a while so you can see if it works for them, and for you! Knowing when to ‘pull the plug’ and try something different, will depend on...
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Episode 64: Sleep at Childcare
What should you do if your childcare centre refuses to support your baby or toddler's typical sleep patterns or settling preferences? And what is the best way to approach these tricky conversations? Babies and...
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Episode 63: Unpaid work is work
There is no job more demanding or exhausting, than raising a child. Yet sometimes parents focus more on protecting the sleep of the parent who is in paid work, than the sleep of the parent in charge of keeping the...
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Episode 62: Poor Sleep? Start Here.
In this episode Dr Fallon & Dr Laura (PhDs) unpack five key factors to consider when addressing your baby or toddler's sleep difficulties. With each of these factors accounted for, you’ll be on the path to more...
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Episode 61: Fearless cot-settling
This week, Dr Laura (PhD) tells us about a family who were carrying a lot fear and guilt surrounding their baby’s sleep, and how they overcame these fears and improved sleep for the entire family.
Many parents report...
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Episode 60: Are Contact Naps OK?
Most little babies love to take some day naps in the arms of a parent, because it feels snug and warm. Contact naps can be blissful in the early days, but often become challenging as babies become heavier and parents...
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Episode 59: Dropping Toddler Night Feeds
Some toddlers are VERY reluctant to stop having milk feeds overnight, even when they no longer need to feed due to hunger or to meet their nutritional requirements.
In this episode Dr Fallon & Dr Laura (PhDs)...
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