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Episode 82: Your Pep Talk

When your baby or toddler isn’t sleeping well and you’re filled with dread at the thought of facing another broken night, it can feel like you are so deep down in the trenches that you might never climb out 😥

When broken sleep stretches across weeks, months, or even years, it’s easy to feel like better nights are just SO far away.

But they are not. 😎 Even with the most challenging, ingrained, persistent sleep difficulties, with the right plan in place it's likely you’ll begin to see some progress in the first week and perhaps even an entire resolution by the second or third week.

It’s never too late to improve sleep, you just need the right plan to get you there.

Whether you’re a Sombelle member or one of our clinic clients, or just a listener, this episode is your pep talk. Because you CAN do this, sleep CAN improve, you just need a dose of confidence and a steely resolve. 

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❤️ Listen on Spotify https://loom.ly/ZuBk3N0
🎥 Watch this episode on YouTube https://loom.ly/JhNkXPs

✅ If you’re ready to resolve your baby or toddler’s sleep and settling difficulties, join Sombelle! Members can submit questions to be answered on the podcast each week: https://sombelle.infantsleep.com.au/ 

❤️ Follow us on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/infant.sleep.australia/ & https://www.instagram.com/brand.new.little.people/