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Episode 57: Ideal Wake Windows Don’t Exist

If you could only nail those wake windows sleep would be perfect…right? Wrong! Following set wake windows might work for some families but for many they don’t work, and may even worsen sleep. Every baby has their own unique sleep requirements and the amount of sleep a baby or toddler might need at any age could vary as much as 5 hours from child to child! This means babies and toddlers can have vastly different amounts of time awake yet can still have good sleep health.

Tune in to hear Dr Fallon and Dr Laura (PhDs) discuss the lack of science behind wake windows, plus learn what you can do instead of watching the clock!

Parent questions are also answered, including:

  • Should my baby be calm and drowsy before I put them in their cot?
  • Should the first or second nap be the longest?
  • Should I feed my baby in a dark or light room before bed?
  • Is it ok for my baby to take powernaps during feeds?
  • Do extended night wakes always mean a sleep pressure problem?

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